Real leaders, wrote the novelits David Foster Wallace, are the people who “help us overcome the limitations of our own individual laziness and selfishness and eakness and fear and get us to do better, harder things than we can get ourselves to do on our own.” Shackelton exemplifie this kind of leadership for almost two years on the ice.

Ernest Henry Shackelton, at the head of the Endurance expedition, for two years in the ice of the Antarctic continent and after losing the boat “Endurance” has shown this type of leadership, managing adventurously to save and bring home all the men. The sails chosen for this line of bags or accessories are well lived and marked by sailing tests. Oxidized carabiners, leather and metal handles, signatures of our authenticity research, complete the models. The sleeves or the bottle cage, “knitted” of organic wool according to the traditions of the island of Aran, are warm accessories to get through the winter !!

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